Steering Committee
Meets on the 2nd Thursday every other month
12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
ZOOM Meetings
The Menomonie Area Young Professionals support the growth and development of 18 - 39-year-olds living or working in the Menomonie area. The Young Professionals engage, educate, and empowers other young professionals to be collaborative leaders and effective business professionals shaping the future of our community. The Young Professionals offers professional development, philanthropic or social activities, participants develop business colleagues that will benefit them for years to come. A community influenced by young professionals is a community that can attract and retain them.
How Do Young Professionals Participate?
The Menomonie Area Young Professionals offers multiple ways to be involved. The first opportunity is to attend one of the Young Professionals events. We encourage you to bring your colleagues!
The second opportunity is to serve on the steering committee which meets every other month and plans all of the Young Professionals events.
Why is Menomonie Young Professionals Important to Local Business?
- Retention – help your employees form bonds with other professionals and their community.
- Development – help your employees grow as leaders and assets to your organization.
- Branding – participate in and promote Young Professionals events to your employees to get your business name out in the community.
How Can Your Business Support Menomonie Young Professionals?
- Promotion – Encourage your employees to participate in Young Professionals events
- Participation – Participate in our variety of events put on each year by the Young Professionals Committee
- Sponsorship – Support the Menomonie Young Professionals by becoming a sponsor. Monetary support is used to support the programming offerings.
How to Participate on the Steering Committee
As a member of the Steering Committee, you will have the opportunity to engage in meaningful discussion, collaborate on exciting programs & events, and create initiatives that will leave a lasting impact.
To learn more about the Young Professionals Steering Committee, review the Young Professionals Purpose & Schedule Breakdown.