Workforce & Education Committee
Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month
3:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Virtual Meetings
The Workforce & Education Committee connects and promotes Menomonie area employers, local postsecondary and secondary education providers to develop and retain a well qualified workforce. The committee invites Menomonie area businesses and educational providers to advise the committee on concerning critical employment needs and skill gaps.
Workforce & Education Eligibility & Qualifications
- Must be employed by (or own) a current Chamber member Investor business/organization
- Willingness to take a leadership role in developing the resources of the Chamber through both time and financial support of Chamber programs and initiatives
- Ability to work constructively with Chamber team
- Courage and willingness to help formulate Chamber opinion on community issues, even though they may be controversial
- Mutual respect of peers while displaying leadership and innovation
Workforce & Education Programs
How Do I Apply to Serve on the Workforce & Education Committee?
To serve on the Workforce & Education Committee, you can complete an online application. If you prefer to complete a paper application, contact our office at 715-235-9087.
Organization Leadership

Beth Hein
Committee Chair
Executive Director - Educational Pathways and Outreach